movie4k Watch Halloween (2018) Full Movie

Creator: John Carpenter USA genre: Thriller cast: Andi Matichak 6,8 of 10





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Watch halloween - stelle dich deinem schicksal (2018) full movie online. Watch halloween - stelle dich deinem schicksal (2018) full movie video. Ok, where is Micheal Myeers? I came here for the thrills, and I get a movie about a woman in a house. Rip off. Watch halloween - stelle dich deinem schicksal (2018) full movie song. This new Halloween is pretty good and comes very close to getting the spirit of the original Carpenter film. That being said it doesn't quite free it's self of the cliche trappings of a slasher film.
The set-up to the film is really the strongest thing about it. I love the subplot of the podcasters as it is a really clever element to the story. Jefferson Hall and Rhian Rees are pitch perfect as NPR esque hipsters who poke this dormant geriatric monster until he wakes up. The movie should have followed them more because when Michael eventually starts hunting down teenagers it really loses a lot of the goodwill it built up.
That really is my only complaint about 'Halloween. It is so much more clever than so many slasher films and yet it develops these teen characters who are so predictable, so unmemorable, and really have no purpose but to be killed. One of the things that Carpenter's original 'Halloween' got so right was that he created fully developed characters who had personalities, motivations, and were played by actresses with screen presence. PJ Soles and Nancy Loomis have magnetism. We know more or less that their characters are doomed but we like them and fear for them. Part of what makes a great suspenseful horror film is having characters we fear for instead of sacrificial lambs getting gutted. You couldn't wait for little Drew Scheid's Oscar to meet his fate.
I know a lot of reviews dislike Haluk Bilginer Doctor character. I liked him quite a bit because I think the Doctor role is necessary in the 'Halloween' series. There are so many great things about the original 'Halloween' it truly is a horror masterpiece. If you asked me what my favorite thing about it is though I would have to say Donald Pleasance. The character perfectly adds that sense of doom in just that right way that gets close to over the top but is still enduring. I'll watch some of the rougher 'Halloween' sequels for Pleasance. I think of Loomis as an eccentric Van Helsing character. And so since I can't have Loomis I'm glad I get a "new Loomis.
I like the way this character eventually plays a major role in the story too as it definitely sort of surprised had to have someone assist Michael in escaping on Halloween night. You couldn't just have a freak accident again. I like that Doctor Saritan wanted to recreate the massacre and turns from a Loomis stand-in into a mad man. I had a feeling Michael didn't get out on his own. I was sort of suspecting the podcasters might have had a hand in it. If they really wanted to pull a 'Last Jedi' they should have had Laurie set him free to hunt him.
Jamie Lee Curtis is great. The character of Laurie has been through so much through the series and I felt like this film really is the first sequel to do her justice. It acknowledges the fear and turmoil she has gone though has harmed her loved ones but it doesn't make her weak or a victim. She's been waiting for Michael to kill him. It's a much more interesting characterization when compared to 'Halloween H20' where she's been almost paralyzed by fear. That being said I don't really like the retconning. It worked better when they were siblings. It gave Michael far more motivation and depth. Why does he care so much about hunting Laurie if he's just pure evil who has an impulse to indiscriminately kill?
There will be a sequel but there really shouldn't be. The ending is pitch perfect. Michael staring defiantly at Laurie as he burns to death is just so chilling and in character.
So in short when 'Halloween' delves into it's adult characters and the series rich mythology it's outstanding, you just have to endure some cliche teens getting cut up.

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